Getting ready to pack up the house and move in 2 weeks has put a bit of a damper on my creative productivity. But I did manage to whip up the rest of the leftover blocks from one of our MOPS (Mothers Of PreSchoolers) monthly crafts in time for the final meeting, the beginning of this month, which were sold for a little extra money for MOPS. My friend Kelli H. had already cut, sanded and painted all the blocks black, so I just had to mod podge a piece of designer paper onto one side of the block and then I let them dry before hot glueing a bit of fluff ribbon to the top and a clip to place a photo onto the fronts. It took me a couple of nap times to finish them but they did get done in the end, whew!

What are the blocks for? And where are you moving to? I missed that, or I forgot. sorry!
the blocks are to clip a photo or recipe card onto. We're off to RI, moving from the largest to the smallest state!
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